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Notes: Enter highlights about your truck. For example, what makes your truck unique or what do you like best about it.

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Anti-spam question. How many dollars do you have if you have 4 quarters?

Notes (Read before pressing "Submit"):

  1. Only fields marked "required" must be filled in. All unmarked fields are optional. Empty fields should be left blank rather than typing in "N/A" or "none" for example.

  2. Check your spelling and punctuation. We HIGHLY discourage typing in all capitol or all lowercase letters. There's no need to hurry, take your time and make it look nice and professional. You will not be able to edit your information later. There is no preview. Once you press "submit", that's it!

  3. This is not the proper place to list items or trucks for sale. Please do that in our forums classified section. All entries made here with "For Sale" references will be deleted.

  4. Do not use this form to advertise non LUV related information. Do not spam this area with advertising. Any entries not related to Chevy LUV's will be deleted immediately. Your IP number is recorded with the information you post.

  5. Registering here does not create an account at our message boards, or vise versa. The field in this form titled "Username at message board" is only for information purposes.

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